For 14 years in a row, SFs did not suffer any loss in the State in 2024. The last SF fatality was reported on September 22, 2010, when the Maoists killed a trooper of the Hawk Force (the special anti-Naxalite force of Madhya Pradesh Police) near Sitapala village in Balaghat District. On the other hand, SFs killed three Maoists in 2024, as against f
The quarrel in the White House
The quarrel in the White House last Friday, however, has been presented by the Russian state and in media narratives as “[u]nprecedented in the history of international politics and diplomacy” and evidence of Ukraine being in the wrong (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, March 1). The Kremlin considers the exchange as reassurance that Zelen
unidentified, the Taliban killed
These groups pose a critical challenge for the Taliban regime in its efforts to consolidate its position as the legitimate government and true representative of Afghanistan. Engaged in territorial battle with these resistance forces, the Taliban is also finding it difficult to control the unabated terrorist activities of the IS-KP, which has underm
Afghan Taliban figure and Acting
More importantly, Khalil Rahman Haqqani, a senior Afghan Taliban figure and Acting Minister of Refugees and Repatriation and his three bodyguards were killed in a suicide blast in the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation compound in Kabul on December 11, 2024. Khalil-ur-Rehman Haqqani was the brother of Jalaluddin Haqqani, the founder of the Haqqa
state, has increased military
Additionally, China, which views itself as a ‘near-Arctic’ state, has increased military and economic cooperation in the Russian Arctic. Sino-Russian joint coastal guard and military exercises and investments along the Russian Arctic in logistics and energy infrastructure through the Polar Silk Road framework culminated in the establishment of